Join young leaders from across the country to learn how to stand for truth and justice in politics while pursuing an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Hear from current and former Members of Parliament and men and women working in the halls of government who understand the importance of hope
Meet who you'll be hearing from!
May 4 - May 6, 2024
Sunday May 4
6pm: Session 1 - Worship & Prayer Night
8pm: Exclusive Parliament Experience
Featuring special MP discussion panels, exclusive Parliament Hill experiences, and full attendance to National Prayer Breakfast events.
Monday May 5
9am: Session 2
11am: Session 3
2pm: Parliament Experience Two
4pm: Session 4
Tuesday May 6
7am: National Prayer Breakfast
10am: Session 5
11:30: Closing Session

What Age Range Is The Summit For?
The Young Leaders Summit is for Canadians Leaders generally between the ages of 18-35. People outside the age bracket who work with young leaders are also welcome.
Are there any scholerships available?
There is a limited number of scholarships available. if you would like to apply for a scholarship, please email cdnprayerbreakfast@gmail.com
I've attended before, can I still come this year?
Of course! Every year is going to have different speakers and themes. One of the most important parts of this summit is the relationships you can build here in Ottawa. There is no limit on how many summits you can attend.